MCoC Notice of Funding Opportunity - FY2024/2025

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released the FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition Application. The MCoC will regularly update this webpage; check back regularly to keep up with the most up-to-date information and resources throughout the competition.

For additional information or support during the NOFO Competition, do not hesitate to reach out to the MCoC’s Collaborative Applicant, Families in Transition. Your points-of-contact are Erica Diamond ( and Meghan Shea (

Click below to read HUD’s released FY24/25 NOFO document:

FY 2024 & FY2025 COC Competition and the Renewal and Replacement of Youth and Homeless Demonstration Program Grants NOFO Publication

FINAL - FY24 MCoC Project Scoring and Ranking List:

Below, please find the Final Posting for the FY24 MCoC Project Scoring and Ranking List. All projects submitted for the FY24 MCoC (NH-501) NOFO Competition were accepted! There were no rejections or reductions.

Final - FY24 MCoC Project Scoring and Ranking List

MCoC NOFO Competition Training Videos

MCoC Bidder’s Conference Training Video - (90 min.) hosted on June 13, 2024

  • This video provides general information about the Manchester Continuum of Care, guidance to new applicants about developing a new CoC project, information about the MCoC Scoring and Ranking process, and general tips and common mistakes to avoid when completing your CoC application.

E-snaps Application Technical Assistance - (90 min.) hosted on August 20, 2024

  • This video provides technical support for navigating the e-snaps website. It provides step-by-step guidance for New Applicants on every step of the application process: (1) creating an organization Applicant Profile, (2) registering and creating a new application, (3) navigating the project application, and (4) general application tips. This video also provides information and refreshers for returning applicants completing renewal projects. See Accompanying Powerpoint Slides.


Click Here for the Complete MCoC Competition Timeline

August 16, 2024 - DEADLINE: Letters of Intent Due to Collaborative Applicants by 5:00p.m.

August 20, 2024 - Virtual Technical Assistance for Project Application and E-Snaps Navigation 10:00am-11:30am (link coming soon)

September 13, 2024 - DEADLINE: Project Applications Due by 5:00p.m.(Upload in Esnaps and Email Supplemental Materials to Collaborative Applicant)

September 30, 2024 - Project Ranking Announced to Project Applicants and Applicants Notified If Applications Have Curable Deficiencies

October 3, 2024 - DEADLINE: Ranking Appeals Due to Collaborative Applicant by 5:00p.m.

October 4, 2024 - DEADLINE: Last Day to Edit ESnaps Applications

October 9, 2024 - Final Project Rankings Posted

October 21, 2024 - Consolidated CoC Application and Priority List Posted for Review by MCoC Membership

October 23, 2024 - DEADLINE: Public Feedback on the CoC Application and Priority List due by 5:00p.m.

October 25, 2024 - Collaborative Applicant Target Deadline to Submit CoC Application

October 30, 2024 - HUD Final Deadline to Submit FY 2024 CoC Application

MCoC Scoring Tools and Project Scorer Guides:

The New and Renewal Project Scoring Tools provided below will be used by scorers and the Scoring Committee to assess project applications. Applicants should read the Scoring Tools before completing their applications. Scorers will only score applications based on information provided in the e-snaps application and in the supplemental application materials, so applicants should ensure that the information they provide in their responses fully answers the questions being asked by the Scoring Tools. Project Scorer Guides are also provided to show where scorers will generally look to pull information from when scoring an application. While applications are scored wholistically, the Project Scorer Guides are meant to be a navigational tool for scorers and applicants on where to focus their responses for scoring purposes.

  1. FY2024 New Project Scoring Tool

  2. FY2024 New Project Scorer’s Guide

  3. FY2024 Renewal Project Scoring Tool

  4. FY2024 Renewal Project Scorer’s Guide

Supplemental Application Materials:

All FY24/25 Applicants are required to submit a Supplemental Application in addition to an e-snaps application for each project. Failure to submit the required supplemental application attachments may result in a reduced score or a rejected project application. All information regarding supplemental application materials can be accessed below:

  1. FY2024 Supplemental Application Materials

Letter of Intent Templates:

Applicants who intend to apply for the FY24/25 NOFO Competition must submit a letter of intent to the Collaborative Applicant via email by the deadline. Please use the appropriate template provided below:

  1. New Project Letter of Intent Template

  2. Renewal Project Letter of Intent Template