Manchester Continuum of Care
Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Continuum of Care (COC) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is a funding opportunity through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that authorizes homeless services organizations to apply for more than $3.5 billion in competitive awards to provide supportive services and housing programs for people experiencing homelessness.
Each year, the CoC NOFO Competition supports renewal funding of approximately 18 housing projects throughout the City of Manchester that provide an array of transitional housing, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing to homeless individuals and families in our community. New projects can be applied for as part of “bonus” funding or reallocation.
Interested in Learning more about the HUD NOFO Funding Opportunity?
You can get a general understanding of the MCoC NOFO Competition and information on this page. For recent announcements and current updates about active competitions, please visit our Current Competitions Page.
How Does the CoC Program Work?
Every two years in mid-summer, members of a CoC apply for federal HUD funding during the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Competition. This NOFO Competition is a competitive application process through which eligible applicants request funding to either continue operation of current projects or propose new projects that address homelessness within their CoC.
Successful applicants receive funding through HUD grants to support HUD's mission of creating strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. Eligible applicants include state and local governments, non-profit and for-profit organizations, public housing authorities, and tribal entities.
Do All CoC Members Receive CoC Funding?
It is important to note that not all members of a CoC receive HUD funding. In fact, most MCoC members who are crucial to the success of our continuum do not receive HUD funding through the NOFO process. Nevertheless, the work performed and data collected by non-funded entities directly impact the amount of funding that HUD is willing to allocate to our CoC funded programs each year.