Meeting Dates and Locations
The MCoC General Assembly meets every other month on the third Thursday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Meetings are currently taking place virtually and will be held in-person when important votes are being made such as voting-in members of the Leadership team or making changes to the Governance Charter.
Anyone is welcome to attend a general assembly meeting.
See our past meeting minutes under the McoC Meeting Info tab.
Next Meeting:
Date: March 20, 2025, 9:00am - 10:30am
Location: On Zoom
Zoom link here Meeting ID: 844 3165 4375 Passcode: 537176
If you experience any difficulties logging into the meeting, please contact: Irina Owens, Clerk at
Upcoming Meetings in 2025
May 15, 2025, 9:00am - 10:30am
July 17, 2025, 9:00am - 10:30am
September 18, 2025, 9:00am - 10:30am
In addition to General Assembly Meetings, the MCoC operates 6 subcommittees, each with their own meeting schedules. For more information about these subcommittees, you can visit the Subcommitee tab.
Subcommittee meetings are closed to the general public, unless you request to attend in advance.
Community Care Team: First Wednesday of the month at 9:00am.
To attend, please contact the Chair, Matt Bouchie.
Coordinated Entry: Second Thursday of every month at 10:00am.
To attend, please contact the Chair Owen Westover.
Homeless Outreach: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00am.
To attend, please contact Chair Matt Bouchie.
Veterans Committee: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 1:00pm.
To attend, please contact the Chair Katie Tovar Paciulan.
Youth Committee: Information on meeting scheduling coming soon.
To attend, please contact the Chair Sarah Jones.
Data and Evaluation Committee: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 10:00am.
To attend, please contact the Chair Erica Diamond.
In addition to the General Assembly, there are six subcommittees focused on specific priority areas of focus.
Community Care Team
Focused on presenting and discussing the most complex cases of individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Manchester in order to develop collaborative plans to provide the most effective services. These individuals and families are high utilizers of services throughout the community and also those that may be the most difficult to engage in services.
Chair: Matt Bouchie – Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
Meetings: First Wednesday of every month at 9:00am.
If you’re interested in attending this meeting please reach out to Matt Bouchie
Coordinated Entry
Focused on troubleshooting and problem-solving whenever there are challenges in the Coordinated Entry System in Manchester and ensuring quality data in the Manchester CoC Coordinated Entry Program in Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Chair: Owen Westover - Mayor Jay Ruais’ Office
Co-Chair: OPEN
Meetings: Second Friday of every month at 10:00am.
If you’re interested in attending this meeting, please reach out to Owen Westover.
Homeless Outreach Collaborative
Focused on highlighting available resources, discussing communication and workflows, encampment hot spots and trends, team schedules, and de-identified case discussions. There are two separate groups in the Outreach Subcommittee; one is for Organizational Planning and Coordination and one is for Homeless Outreach Workers Coordination.
Co-Chair of Organizational Planning and Coordination Meeting: Jonathan Routhier - Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
Meetings: Third Friday of the month at 2:00 pm.
If you’re interested in attending this meeting please reach out to Jonathan Routhier.
Co-Chair of Homeless Outreach Workers Coordination Meeting: Matt Bouchie - Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 am.
If you’re interested in attending this meeting please reach out to Matt Bouchie
A collaboration between the MCoC, the Greater Nashua Continuum of Care, and the Balance of State Continuum of Care to focus on the unique needs of veterans who experience homelessness. The subcommittee has worked to establish a strategic statewide strategy to prevent and end among veterans who are experiencing homelessness.
Chair: Katie Tovar Paciulan – Harbor Care
Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm.
If you’re interested in attending this meeting please reach out to Katie Tovar Paciulan
Focuses on the need of youth ages 12-25 who experience unaccompanied homelessness. The subcommittee is focused on developing a community strategy to prevent and end youth homelessness in conjunction with the statewide Youth Action Board. Areas of focus include accurate data, develop appropriate housing programs and other services, and implementing action steps from the Coordinated Community Plan developed for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Grant.
Chair: Sarah Jones – Waypoint
Meetings: Information coming soon.
If you’re interested in attending this meeting please reach out to Sarah Jones.